Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hummana Hummana: Sexiest Mansels Alive 2011

OK, ladies. Let's just cut to the chase here, because we know what you want. You want a little man-sel and you want it now. Hey, understandable. We could all use a little more meat this time of year—and of course I'm referring to turkey.

PEOPLE has released its "Sexiest Man Alive 2011" list and the winner is...

Bradley Cooper? I guess those eyes are kind of piercing, and his character in The Hangover was funny and lovable if not a little douche-y, but really? I can't say I mind the eye-candy, but there is a lot of merchandise out there, or as we say in the business, "merch."

In the interest of...well, Man-sel-viewing, let's examine that "merch." I give you some of the other candidates that made the coveted annual list:


Ah. Liam Hemsworth. Miley-dater extraordinaire, Hunger Games star and most importantly, man-who-has-a-first-name-in-common-with-Liam-Neeson, an actor I find incredibly endearing and, if you must know, I also find him bad-ass in the movies Les Miserables and Taken (an odd assortment of movies, I agree).


Another endearing candidate? Tim McGraw. Never underestimate the sex-power of a married man who loves his wife. Loyalty is attractive, and so are cowboy hats and boots (when applicable, read: if you're a country star, or you are dressing up for a theme-party).

Can't get enough? Go to to view the rest of the candidates who made THE list of 2011.

Well, there you have it, Damsels. A Hummana Hummana worthy of the day before Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?

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