Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Damsel Rosanna Arquette is Leaking

Oh, honey. No.

Let me introduce you to Exhibit A:

Via Go Fug Yourself
This is Rosanna Arquette, who—according to Wikipedia and IMDB—apparently made appearances in Pulp Fiction and Joe Dirt (to name a few), and who—also according to Wikipedia—is also the sister of Patricia, Alexis, Richmond and David Arquette. Before we go off on a tangent about the productivity of the parental Arquettes, let's discuss the real issue.

Whoa. Who would wear this? This is not flattering in any way and on so many levels! The first thing I said to myself when I saw it was, "that's a really unfortunate placement of red color." And, please, before you all start expounding on how gross that is, don't deny that you thought it too. Nobody in their right mind would wear a garment with red streaming down the front in that specific area. This is cracked out.

And, now, maybe there's one of you out there who is saying, "OK, so it is unfortunate about the reddish, brownish leakage, and the turtle neck, it would be better if it wasn't so snake-like, well...and also the varying sizes of polka dots are not the best, and—"

Well, quit your excuses! If this isn't undeniable evidence as to the complete insanity of this outfit, allow me to present Exhibit B:

Via Go Fug Yourself
The back. Yes, that IS the digital member of the Blue Man Group tuning in between her shoulder blades. Because, of course, when you're creating a garment meant for someone with a face, it is clear that you should put another face on the back of said garment, just to create general confusion, or at the very least, communicate with the extra-terrestrials out there.

Oh, and yes. Please, while you're at it with the faces, why not make it all even out and continue the reddish brown leakage in the back too. Symmetry is so important.

Enough of my stream of consciousness, how do you feel about this dress, Damsels? Would you wear it to a premier for the whole world to see and paparazzi to photograph you so you could be reminded of it for the rest of time? Who let her do this? Who let this happen?!?! I rest my case.

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