He stars as Gale in the upcoming Hunger Games movie and is of course best known for his complex and nuanced role (sarcasm) as Miley Cyrus's onscreen (turned off-screen) boyfriend in The Last Song. I'm lukewarm on t-shirt button downs on men and concerned he might have a lower back problem, but all in all he looks fine. The background matches his eyes. His facial hair doesn't bother me too much. You know we love a skinny tie. Ho-hummana.
I don't know, is it just me? Am I somehow immune to his hotness? Maybe the HG movie will change my mind. It's not like I have anything against Hemsworth here. He and Miley seem happy. I'm looking forward to his brother's movie with KStew. What am I missing??
What do you Damsels think: does he look feh or feh-rickin' awesome? Tell us in the comments!
ughgg this is disappointing. the gale i pictured in my head is so much hotter... my gale is more the tall-dark-handsome. and without lower back pain. Oh well.