Monday, December 12, 2011

Damsels Play Hunger Games

So, here's a shocking confession: I haven't read The Hunger Games yet. Partly because I am busy, but partly because the book covers look like Ayn Rand covers, and I just don't feel like going that deep into philosophy and Objectivism at this time in my life. Before this year, and the Entertainment Weekly covers (thank you man-sel Liam Hemsworth for your hotness and Miley-devotion), hunger games to me were merely the tests of will I encountered with various salty snacks. My everyday battles with chips and doughnuts are far less epic, I've been told, than the novels themselves. So, I am willing to give it a chance. I got the first book on Amazon, and I will read it soon (I will let you know my thoughts, but not before I read my newest romance novel - priorities). I have chosen to give in and finally read this book mostly for the following reasons:

1) The female protagonist's name is Katniss, and that is just plain cool. It sounds a tad like catnip, but it is spelled with a K, so you know she's in league with the Kardashians. Any friend of Bruce Jenner's is a friend of mine. (Hey Katniss, can you get me in with Khloe and Lam-Lam? Their lives are awesome.)

2) I feel a moral obligation to read most books before I see their screen-versions (The one exception? Twilight. But I do love Twilight, and I know I will read it soon, even though Harry Potter is way better and nothing could possibly compare. JK Rowling,  you are a genius - among other things).

3) But, two things specifically happened today to irrevocably change my mind about not reading The Hunger Games:

     a) Miley Cyrus showed up with Liam at an event to which she wore this hairstyle, described as a Katniss braid. I love this braid, and I can get by any story character who's hair is this cool. She looks super cute, despite a plunging neckline.

     b) Design sketches of Katniss' fire dress were released by Christian Siriano, Rachel Roy and Charlotte Ronson (I wish I had a fire dress, whatever it may be, because it sounds legit.) Katniss' fire dress is described in the book (allegedly) as a close-fitting black jump suit, with an orange, yellow and red cape and boots that lace up to her knees. See the first photo below, the Charlotte Ronson version (which, I have to admit, is pretty bad-ass and awesome. I wish I was a super hero, or had some other reason to run around the city looking like this.):


Christian Siriano (his sketch pictured below on the left) took a similar approach to Ronson. And here is where I swoon. Rachel Roy's version is to-die-for. I have no reason to wear something like this, and neither, I'm sure, does Katniss, if she is galavanting in a forest, battling for her life for her whole community to see. But this is completely awesome. This interpretation of her fire dress makes me weak in the knees. The boots! Did you see the boots? LOVE. This is why I will surely be reading The Hunger Games very, very soon. Katniss, her awesome name, her affiliation with the Kardashians, and this awesome version of her fire dress better be ready to impress. I judge harshly.

No really, did you see the boots?


  1. These sketches are so rad, thanks for posting them. Only now I feel like my current wardrobe is woefully lacking.

  2. you have to read it. i spent like two hours reading the second book until the wee hours of the morning because I couldnt put it down. so good. plus you'll feel great about yourself because you can finish it in like 6 hours. gotta love teen fiction :)

  3. The Ronson outfit was totally what I was picturing Katniss in! I'm excited for you to read them!!
