Friday, January 6, 2012

Damsels Pine for Spring

Despite what the interwebs may be telling you, it is not May outside. After we all counted 2011 away and officially shut the book on the holiday season, bloggers, stores and fashion mags jumped crazy-first into Spring-frenzy-mode. "Trends for Spring!" and "Resort 2012" titles are all smacking me over the head with visions of pastels and cute dresses, blatantly ignoring that half the country is still covered in snow.

And as if this weren't enough, it turns out I'm also a masochist for warmer weather and decided to have a mini Southern movie marathon by watching both The Help and The Ya-Ya Sisterhood. This left me feeling two things: 1.) I wanted to watch The Blind Side for the bazillionth time, and maybe have a Sandra Bullock marathon because 1a.) She's AWESOME, and 1b.) She's almost 50 years old which sincerely makes me want to go run upstairs and put on anti-aging cream while I run on the treadmill while watching The Blind Side, but then in a fit of self-hatred throw away all my white skinny jeans because she just looks SO GOOD IN THEM and how's a girl to compete, anyway?

Ahem. And 2.) I really, really, really want a '50s sleeveless, button down spring dress with collar and skinny belt that I can wear while saying things like, "Oh, let me run and throw on my cardigan before we hit the Shake Shack!"

À la this Mcginn Printed Shirtdress at Nordstrom:

I sincerely hope this style takes off and Forever21 starts making these because I definitely can't afford the hefty $345 price tag. Damn you, Eugenia Skeeter Phelan!

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