Monday, March 5, 2012

Damsels have Decency

There is a new trend in Hollywood, Damsels. And it is to show as much of your body as possible, while still wearing cloth. We saw it with Ashanti, and we'll certainly see it again. In fact, we'll see it right now. The latest starlet to unleash her feminine wiles on the red carpet is Adrienne Bailon, formerly of the Cheetah Girls.


Not only is this dress a monstrosity of design, in that it just has a bolt of fabric attached to the front for no apparent purpose, but also, if said fabric swatch were to just blow away in the wind, say, you would be exposed to Ms. Bailon's nether regions. I guess the Paps had a field day with this one, as that is exactly what happened.

Cheetah girls do walk on the wild side. Look how smug she is about it!


I think it is safe to say that it is just awkward for everyone else if you make a fashion choice like this. Everyone is worried for you and hoping conditions will work themselves out so nothing terrible happens, and then - bam. Wind gust! Full. Frontal. Exposure. Don't do this to the public. What did we do to deserve this punishment? I don't care how skinny you are, or cut, or ripped, or tan, or anything you are - even if you're hot, no one wants to endure that publicly.

Now, what you do in private? That's your concern.

Unless, of course, your phone is hacked. Justin Timberlake, I'm talking to you.

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